AND AMONG those [enemies of the truth] there are such as malign the Prophet by saying, "He is all ear."
Say: "[Yes,] he is all ear, [listening] to what is good for you! He believes in God, and trusts the believers, and is [a manifestation of God’s] grace towards such of you as have [truly] attained to faith. And as for those who malign God’s Apostle – grievous suffering awaits them [in the life to come]!"

* v.61 : I.e., “he believes everything that he hears.” Most of the commentators assume that the hypocrites were thus alluding to the Prophet’s alleged propensity to believe everything – good or bad – that he was told about other people (cf. Manār X, 600). Since, however, there is no historical evidence of such a “propensity” on his part, it seems to me that what the hypocrites referred to was the Prophet’s readiness to listen to what they – in common with many other unbelievers – regarded as mere hallucinatory sounds, and to interpret them “mistakenly” as revelations. This would explain the statement that “they malign the Prophet” – namely, by attributing to him self-deception – and that this saying of theirs “amounts to a denial of the truth” (see verse 74 of this sūrah). – The verb ādhā signifies primarily “he molested” or “annoyed [another],” i.e., in a manner not amounting to actual harm (darar). Since in the above context this verb is used in the sense of making a derogatory remark, yu’dhūn is best rendered as “they malign.”
* I.e., to divine revelation.